Piero Fraternali is full professor of Web Technologies at Politecnico di Milano. Author of more than 200 papers in international peer reviewed conferences and journals (H index 43) and of four international books. His main research interests concern methodologies and tools for WEB/mobile application development, socio-technical system design, gamification and serious games. He is author of several articles on International Journals and Conference Proceedings, and a number of books. He is co-author of OMG’s IFML standard (http://www.omg.org/spec/IFML/) and cofounder of WebRatio (http://www.webratio.com), a start-up focused on the commercialization of a tool suite for the Model-Driven Development of Web/mobile cloud-powered applications.

Rocio Nahime Torres received the PHD at Politecnico di Milano. She is currently working as a research assistant in the development of mobile applications for crowdsourcing for environmental data collection and the development and evaluation tools for Deep Learning methods applied to the analysis of data for environmental applications.


Sergio Luis Herrera Gonzalez is a PHD and research assistant in the Web data and society group. He is working in the development of novel methodologies and code generation tools for the semi/automatic development of web and mobile applications with a special focus on user/centric applications with gamified functions.


Federico Milani  is a PHD student and research assistant in the Web data and society group. He is working in the development of novel methodologies for visual data analysis applicable to environmental and conservation applications and for the design of integrated development environments for developing and debugging Deep Learning algorithms and models.